TREND Newsletters and Infographics

TREND Newsletters

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TREND 13.2 Distressed Communities and Transportation Insecurity: A Descriptive Analysis of Nevada Non-adjudicated Speeding Citations from 2018-2021

Nevada Traffic Research & Education NewsletterMay 13, 2024 // VOL. 13, ISSUE 02 Distressed Communities and Transportation Insecurity: A Descriptive Analysis of Nevada Non-adjudicated Speeding Citations from 2018-2021 By Noehealani Antolin, MPH; Ana Reyes, MS; Nicole Bacani; Kavita Batra, PhD, MPH, BDS, Bertille Mavegam Tango, MD, PhD; Deborah Kuhls, MD …

The Traffic Research and Education Newsletter (TREND) is a publication through which we share the findings and insights stemming from our extensive efforts and research in the field of traffic safety in Nevada.

Our Trend Newsletters are published in blogs posts here!

TREND Infographics

Our TREND (Nevada’s Traffic Research and Education Electronic Newsletter) Infographics take content from our TREND Newsletters and present the data in an easily understood and simplified manner. The target audience for TREND Infographics is the Nevada population at large who may benefit from this valuable information. 

All our TREND infographics are available in English and Español

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